
Dr. M. Olalla Lorenzo-Carballa

I am an evolutionary biologist with a broad interest in taxonomy, evolution, and conservation biology. My main study group are odonates (dragonflies and damselflies). I use a multidisciplinary approach in my research, combining morphological identifications with molecular techniques and field and laboratory experiments.

I did my PhD on the reproductive biology of the damselfly species Ischnura hastata, funded by a FPI fellowship (in Prof. Adolfo Cordero-Rivera's lab (University of Vigo). I was later funded by a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship to work in Prof. Phillip C. Watts' lab, at the University of Liverpool. I have also worked as a postdoc at the University of A Coruña and the University of Vigo; and visited several international laboratories in Mexico, Hannover and Cornell. Currently, I am an Associate Lecturer at the Zoology department in the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

I have strong expertise in the field of insect biology, molecular systematics and phylogeography, which is reflected in my publications about taxonomy, conservation, population genetics and evolutionary biology of Odonata. I have co-supervised two PhD theses and several undergraduate students. I have also both formal (Degree in Biology and Degree in Forestry Engineering) and informal (Senior University Program) teaching experience. I have imparted workshops and seminars about career development and grant writing skills, organized by the British Ecological Society (BES).

I am also a mum in Academia, since 2007.



Associate Lecturer, Zoology Department, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Member of the "Sociedad de Odonatología Americana (SOL)"

Teaching (2023-24, University of Santiago de Compostela)

Biology of the Continental Waters (Bioloxía das Augas Continentais), Biology Degree

Arthropod and Vertebrate Zoology (Zooloxía II), Biology Degree

Arthropod and Vertebrate Zoology (Zooloxía II), Chemistry and Biology Degree

Conservation Biology (Bioloxía da Conservación), Biology Degree

Teaching (2023-24, University of Vigo)

Major environmental problems of our time (Grandes problemas ambientais do noso tempo I), Senior University Program

Previous Teaching

Laboratory in Ecology (Prácticas de Ecología), Degree in Forestry Engineering, University of Vigo (2006-2007)

Laboratory in Ecology (Prácticas de Ecología), Degree in Forestry Engineering, University of Vigo (2005-2006)

Laboratory in Ecology (Prácticas de Ecología), Degree in Forestry Engineering, University of Vigo (2004-2005)

Laboratory in Conservation Biology (Prácticas de Biología de la Conservación), Degree in Forestry Engineering, University of Vigo (2004-2005)

Research IDs

ORCID: 0000-0003-4570-2594

Scopus: 8244040200

Google Scholar: Link


Please find the full list of publications here.
